Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How the World Cup can Learn from the Super Bowl

The World Cup and the Super Bowl are probably two of the biggest competition in the world today. Even these two sports have their own criteria and things they do. For example, during the Super Bowl there are funny commercials that come on just about about television break. Even though during the World Cup does have many television breaks, they can possibly make funny commercials to intrigue people into the sport. It can be a start of a world of new followers and hopefully continue all around the world. Another thing that the World Cup can learn from the Super Bowl is the time of each match during the World Cup. the Super Bowl this year started around 6:00. During the World Cup some of the matches started while a lot of people were still asleep. Even though this depends on where the world Cup is held, they should at least give the a country who doesn't get a chance to see their country play a chance to see them. This can possibly be the biggest thing the World Cup can learn from the Super Bowl.

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